Thursday, October 24, 2013

CO Springs Con Part One

This was a new show for me.  It was one of the better shows as far as the numbers go, so that was cool.  Here is a commission I made for a gentleman at the show who was really cool.  He had all his young kids with him but they seemed to all be enjoying themselves.

It was a pretty quick piece.  I told him to give me two hours since I only had 11x17 board with me that day, and I went over by probably a half hour more, but I don't think I really had more than an hour and a half total to work on it in between conversations, taking short walking breaks, and selling.

This is some guy named the Joker.  It may be the first time I've ever drawn him, but I really wanted him to look a little like the 70's version with the pin stripes and the purple vest.  That icky scarred look has been taken so far (especially recently with the whole "face off" look) to make some reactionary classic flavors a little more necessary.

- J.

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