Thursday, May 8, 2014

ComicFest Commission

This was a real fun quick commission.

I won't go into the entire pitch for my services at the ComicFest Convention (I only tabled on the third day, thanks to Jay Sternitzky hooking me up with a last minute spot) but it was pretty cool.  

A young man was looking for conceptual art to help develop a flash animation game he was coding, based on two full pages of written description.  As pictured above.

It was... a pretty affordable purchase for was fun for me though.  It was about 40 minutes turn around time with a break in the middle so that's good.  

I hope it helps him push his product.  At any rate, hiring an artist at his age was a savvy move.  I never would have thought of that at... what, 15 years old?

Fun stuff,

- J.

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